Monday 4 November 2013

Social Media and why companies use it

Social Media

People throughout the world are connected and can interact with each other thanks to Social Media. Something as simple as "Liking" a brand on Facebook can spread virally and get alot of attention very quickly.There is no wonder why companies turn to the aid of Social Media to enhance their brands. A business's social media profile may include links to its website, contact, information, pictures of the products or special promotions regarding a product.Social Media represents a huge opportunity for businesses to grab the attetnion of customers while simultaneously building a brand image.The popularity, feedback and sale they receive using Social Media is far too great to avoid.With a click of the mouse, consumers can connect with their favorite retailers online to stay informed about new developments.

Social Media and Marketing

  • About 94% of all businesses with a marketing department used social media as part of their market platform. 
    • Prior to the development of Social Media platforms, businesses relied on on fliers, TV commercials and word of mouth. Although these marketing tactics can still be useful today, companies can now use Social Media to instantly inform a larger group of consumers about sales, arrival of new products and special promotions.

  • 43% of people aged 20 -29 years old spend more than 10 hours a week on social media sites.

  • 85% of all business that have a dedicated social media platform have reported to have a mass increase in their market exposure.
    • 58% of businesses that have used social media for the past 3 years have reported an increase of sale in that period.

Social Media has and will continue to aid businesses in enhancing their brands. The use of social media to engage with others near you or around the world continues to grow at an outstanding rate, so it would be wise for any business to implement this into their marketing scheme if they wish to be successful.

Notes and references